Here are a couple fun/educational/promotional videos I’ve put together over the past few years. Not all are related to my protractors, but all are about math. If you want to see more of my math craziness, please check out my other site,
This was my entry in Intuit’s Big Game/Small Business Ad Contest. The winner was a company that makes dog food from the byproduct of beer production. Protractors can’t compete with dogs and beer on Superbowl Sunday!
This is a video I made when I started an indiegogo campaign to raise funds for expansion. It raised about $150, so in the end, our home equity loan has been the primary source of funding.
This is an O’Beirne’s Puzzle, just for fun. Inspired by Richard Thiessen at AIMS Education Foundation – Thank You!
A Look Back at the Last Century of Technology in Our Schools